The 1904 World’s Fair Society has monthly membership meetings with programs on various topics relating to the Fair.

It has always been a tradition of the organization to have a meeting near the end of April to celebrate “opening day”, (the day the fair opened, April 30th,1904), and to have a “closing day” banquet in December (the day the fair closed, December 1st, 1904) .

Most meetings have a drawing for an attendance prize for members attending the meeting. You may register every time you attend a meeting at the reception table near the door.  Attending more meetings will give you more opportunities to win.  Attendance prizes will vary. Often they will match the subject of the meeting.  You must be present to win.

The meetings are always well attended with people very knowledgeable about the fair. Please feel free to attend and ask questions. Visitors are always welcome.

March 11, 2025
  • China and the 1904 World's Fair

    March 11, 2025 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
    University City Public Library, 6701 Delmar Blvd, University City, MO 63130, USA

    - At the turn of the 20th Century, both the Chinese Qing and and American governments were navigating though the global forces of colonialism, and imperialism.  Zhao Ma will explore the background of China deciding to come to the World’s Fair; this was the first time that China would participate in a world exposition.  He’ll also tell stories about the carefully and complicated representations of China that were displayed at the 1904 Fair, and were designed to appeal to an American audience.

    - Zhao Ma is Associate Professor of Modern Chinese History and Culture at WashU, and Head of the Chinese Section. ​He teaches courses on 20th-century Chinese history and the history of US-China relations.

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April 15, 2025
  • A Trip to the Pike with Mike Truax

    April 15, 2025 @ 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
    Missouri History Museum, 5700 Lindell Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63112, USA

    - Many people know a little about The Pike, but most people only know it was a “midway”.  One of the Fair's major features, the Pike was the Fair's entertainment section, and came alive after the exhibit Palaces closed at dusk.   Mike Truax will take you on a "A Trip to the Pike", as related through the experiences of a typical 1904 family.  
    - For example:  Did you know that the mile-long Pike had over 50 attractions?  And a few other concessions were scattered along Skinker Av. The numerous concessions included: entertainment (with actual and simulated rides), historical and scientific exhibits, a large animal exhibit, a wild west show in an arena, a large-scale realistic re-enactment of Boer War battles, many restaurants, concessions from several foreign lands featuring native food, peoples, theaters, and stores, and (of course) the giant Observation (Ferris) Wheel.
    - You will learn about the amazing sights and attractions that Fair visitors experienced.
    - Mike Truax is the current President of the 1904 World’s Fair Society.  He also collects Fair memorabilia, and has been studying the World’s Fair since 1996..

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April 30, 2025
  • The Fair's Opening Day: Dinner and Presentation

    April 30, 2025 @ 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm
    Pietro's, 3801 Watson Rd, St. Louis, MO 63109, USA

    Confirmed, reservations are REQUIRED to be able to attend our Opening Day remembrance.   

    A video will follow dinner, with dessert provided by the Society.

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May 17, 2025
  • Annual Picnic

    May 17, 2025 @ 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
    Forest Park, St. Louis, MO 63112, USA

    The 2025 picnic is in May to avoid the early summer heat (and let’s hope for no rain!).  
    The Society will celebrate summertime with our annual picnic ON THE FAIRGROUNDS.  The Society will provide hot dogs, iced tea and ice cream, and members are asked to bring a side dish or dessert to share.  
    We’ll have a great lunch (of course), and play a fun group game.  There will also be a “World’s Fair Memorabilia Auction” of donated memorabilia and by members.  Members are urged to bring a few Fair items to sell or be auctioned (a minimum price can be set); a portion of those auction proceeds may be donated to the Society. We will also auction several 1904 Fair memorabilia items which have been donated to the Society.  Some items may be sold via a silent auction, and some items may be selected to be sold in a ‘live’ auction, going to the highest bidder.  Since members can also sell or auction a few items of their own, start surveying your collections for possible items to "downsize"!

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